Super Oliver World is an arcade game that challenges you to guide a young protagonist through a dangerous parallel universe filled with dangerous traps. This game was inspired by the renowned Super Mario Bros franchise. Help the fearless Oliver escape from a mysterious and treacherous world teeming with deadly traps and swarming enemies. Leap, smash blocks, gather coins and bolster your health by collecting hearts and stars strewn throughout your journey. You'll need to eliminate adversaries to stay alive, follow the guidance of the white glove, traverse pipes, and reach the beam of light at the end of the road.
There are a total of 15 exciting levels for you. Try to collect enough lucky stars in this adventure journey. Jump on top of strange animals in the game to destroy them and you will get extra points. The more you destroy them, the more points you will get. Note that you cannot destroy the cannibal flower so stay away from it. When you are eaten by a flower that eats a man, you will die.